
Lifestyle for Meditation

Lifestyle for Meditation

“Meditation is an usher – it takes us very deep into our inner personality“

– Swami Abhedananda

Are you struggling to meditate, not sure where to start?

Then here is your perfect answer.

In this series on “Lifestyle for Meditation” – Swami Abhedanandaji not only step by step explains how to meditate. He reveals the secrets behind how to be in a meditative state all the time. Swamiji explains to us the ideal lifestyle needed to be in that meditative state permanently.

Discover the 8 Steps of Ashtanga-Yoga for culturing a lifestyle that culminates in the highest experience of Meditation.

Get your ‘self-readiness plan’ as Swami Abhedananda unlocks the treasure trove of Meditation from our timeless scriptures!

Genre: Vedanta

Duration: 8 Sesssions/8+ hrs

Media: Video 

Series: Durban 2021

Complete Bhagavad Geeta With Shankara Bhaashya

Bhagavad Geeta with Shankara Bhaashya

Srimad Bhagvad Geeta is a lighthouse of eternal wisdom that has the ability to inspire and guide mankind towards supreme accomplishment and ultimately, enlightenment. It is the most profound and pragmatic conversation between Lord Krishna and the mighty warrior Arjuna, right in the midst of the battlefield of Kurukshetra. In His Bhaashya of the Geeta, Bhagawan Shri Adi Shankaracharya has presented beautifully the interpretation of Lord Krishna’s words.

These talks, which covers all the 18 Chapters of the Bhagavad Geeta were delivered during the 2-Year residential Vedanta Course conducted by Swami Abhedananda. In these talks, Swamiji has delved deeply into every sloka, to give the listener an opportunity to study this divine text in the most comprehensive manner.


Genre: Vedanta

Duration: 400+ Talks/400+ Hrs

Media: Audio

Series:Vedanta Course 2015-17

Atma Bodha

Atma Bodha

Atma bodha is a text prescribed for the Teevra Mumukshu : one who desires liberation in this very birth. For such a committed seeker who is inquiring into the reality of himself and the world, Bhagwan Sri Adi Shankaracharya has elaborated the core Vedantic principles through which one realises the essence of the Self, the ‘Atman’.

Pujya Swami Abhedanandaji describes beautifully what is the nature of Jiva, how action cannot take us to liberation but it is Knowledge alone that ferries the seeker across; and from various other logically irrefutable perspectives by expounding on the Supreme Knowledge.

Genre: Vedanta

Duration: 44 Talks/70 Hrs

Media: Audio

Series: Vedanta Course 2015-17

Advaita Makarand

'अद्वैत मकरंद' ​

श्री लक्ष्मीधर कवि द्वारा विरचित ‘अद्वैत मकरंद’ वेदान्त शास्त्र के प्रकरण ग्रन्थों में से एक है। इसमें अद्भुत लाघव और प्रभावशाली युक्तियों से अद्वैत सिद्धांतों का मनन किया गया है। उपनिषदों के पुष्प रुपी मंत्रों के मधु को अद्वैत ब्रह्म के रूप में अद्वैत मकरंद में सरल भाषा में सामान्य साधक के लिए बताया गया है। स्वामी अभेदानन्दजी ने प्रथम भाग में इस ग्रन्थ के हर श्लोक को बहुत सूक्ष्मता के साथ समझाया है और इन श्लोकों में छिपी हुई आत्मा की पूर्णता के मकरंद (मधु) का वर्णन किया है। इन प्रवचनों को सुनकर हम अपने आत्म स्वरुप को जानने की ओर अग्रसर होते हैं।

Genre: Vedanta

Duration: 7 Talks/9 Hrs

Media: Audio

Series: Pune 2020

Hymn to Dakshinamurthy

Hymn to Dakshinamurthy

Lord Shiva Himself comes in the Guru avatar as the first teacher. Endowed with the sweetness of grace, He comes for the dissolution of our ignorance as – Dakshinamurti. In the scripture lies the assurance from Lord Shiva himself, that He will help us, the seekers to cut the noose of life and death.

 Swami Abhedananda, with his simplistic style helps us discover the locked treasures in this beautiful scripture, and lays the path for freedom from the shackles of sorrows and revel in limitless joy.

Genre: Vedanta

Duration: 10 Talks/12 Hrs

Media: Audio

Series: Vedanta Course 2015-17

What is Vedanta

What is Vedanta

In life we all wish for cessation of all sorrows-none of us want to feel limited therefore our entire life is in pursuit of getting rid of limitation. Vedanta says that limitation or sorrow is nothing but ignorance. If the problem is ignorance then the solution is knowledge. ‘Ved’ ‘anta’ what is the Essence of the Vedas is called Vedanta. Hence, Vedanta is the means to knowledge, that knowledge which brings us to the realisation of our true ,unlimited and Satchitananda nature. Swami Abhedananda in his inimitable style reveals this knowledge to us. Explaining simply how vedanta deals with our daily lives. Swamiji shows how we can move from sorrow to an uninterrupted flow of joy, through the understanding of right knowledge – which is VEDANTA.

Genre: Vedanta

Duration: 18 Talks/27 Hrs

Media: Audio

Series: Reservoir Hills 2018

Tattva Bodh

Tattva bodh

Tattva bodh is an introductory text that helps to build good understanding about the terminology and fundamental concepts of Vedanta. The study of this text is imperative as it describes the adhikari (qualified student), essential nature of an individual, essential nature of the world, oneness of the Essence and the fruit of knowing the Essence. Hence the name ‘Tattvabodha’ realisation of the Essence.

Swami Abhedananda decodes this text of Adi Shankaracharya, in an easy to understand manner.

Swamiji takes us step by step, from understanding what is desire, to the shackles we put on ourselves in the name of desire fulfilment. And how to finally break these shackles to revel in everlasting joy.

Genre: Vedanta

Duration: 41 Talks/50 Hrs 

Media: Audio

Series: 6 months Vedanta Course

शिव संकल्प सूक्त

शिव संकल्प सूक्त

छः अति सुंदर एवं ज्ञान प्रभा से आच्छादित सूक्तों को पिरोकर शिव संकल्प सूक्त की रचना हुई जिसका वर्णन शुक्ल यजुर्वेद में आता है। हर सूक्त का अंत इस वाक्यांश के साथ होता है – “तन्मे मनः शिवसंकल्पमस्तु” अर्थात – “उस ईश्वरीय शुभ संकल्प में मेरा मन रमण करे।” यह सूक्त एक अद्भुत एवं गहन प्रार्थना है जिसके द्वारा मन अत्यंत शांत हो जाता है एवं साधक को अपने आत्म स्वरुप को पहचानने की क्षमता प्राप्त होती है। स्वामी अभेदानन्दजी ने अपने अद्भूत प्रवचनों के द्वारा हमें इन सूक्तों का गूढ वेदांतिक सार बताया है।

Genre: Vedanta

Duration: 6 Talks/7 Hrs

Media: Audio

Series: CM Vibhooti 2010

Purush Sooktam

Purush Sooktam

“A hymn from the Vedas, “”Purush Sooktam”” is a sacred and deeply significant treatise on the manifestation of entire creation. In The srishti (creation), Ishwar, Yagna and Pure Self form the crux of these verses. Merely chanting this hymn is known to bestow miraculous benefits.
Keeping us constantly anchored in the Supreme Purush “”Lord Vishnu””, Swami Abhedananda with complete control slowly leads us through the progress of creation. The multiplicity through which the One expresses itself is explored with analytical precision. From the subtlest thought to the grossest object, the Supreme that pervades is lovingly brought out in its varied richness.”

Genre: Vedanta

Duration: 9 Talks/14 Hrs

Media: Audio

Series: Singapore 2004



Human intellect is designed to seek the Highest and search the best. It can never be satisfied until it goes to the ultimate cause of the whole universe. The worldly problems can never be solved completely; rather the perceiver of these problems which is the limited and suffering entity alone can be dissolved. Prashnopanishad, which is the Upanishad of Atharva Veda deals directly by indicating the false nature of the individual ego and True nature of the Unconditioned Self. It entails six seekers with six questions into their inquiry of the Truth, which leads them to the teacher-Pippalada Rishi who dispels their doubts. Swami Abhedananda’s scintillating explanation on each question and answer clears our doubt on the creation of the world, on life and it’s purpose that take us to fulfillment.

Genre: Vedanta

Duration: 71 Talks/90 Hrs

Media: Audio

Series: Six month vedanta course

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