
The essence of Ram Lila

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The Essence of Ram Lila

In his unique style of communication, Swami Abhedanandaji brings out the hidden meaning of the Lilas of Lord Rama beautifully garlanded in the epic text ‘Shri Ramcharitmanas’ by one of the most exalted and genius composers Shri Goswami Tulsidasji.  

Swamiji wonderfully disburses the essence of Rama Lila to the seekers who yearn to know the Truth, and also instills love in the reader’s heart for Lord Ram’s extraordinarily compassionate, loving and humble nature.  

Beginning from what is the meaning and significance of Lord’s lila and how it should transform our mental vistas, Swamiji illustrates how worldly people and even seekers, at times, get deluded with Lord’s lila because they are not able to comprehend the purport of Lord’s actions and responses.  

This book is a must-read for anyone who wishes to revel in the nectarine lilas of Lord Ram which have endless dimensions and facets! 

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The What,Why and How of Mindful Existence

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The What,Why and How of Mindful Existence

Experiences are life’s best lessons. But only if we observe and reflect on them. Otherwise, we are left empty with gurgling emotions, staring at crossroads. Through intriguing questions and practical answers, this book aims at providing life-transforming ‘Pointers to Perfection’ in all we do.  

A handy guide for every seeker, this book by Swami Abhedanandaji is a must-read for anyone who wishes to take charge of their personal growth, and move ahead in life with a right perspective and goal in mind.   

Read! Transform! Evolve!

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Glory of Devotion

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Glory of Devotion

One of the most popular hymns from Shrimad Bhagawatam is when little bhakt Prahalad offers his prayers to Lord Narasimha after the Lord kills his father Hiranyakashyapu. The words of that hymn (stuti) are soaked in intense devotion, faith and love for the Lord.

Through this book titled ‘Glory of Devotion’, you have an opportunity to delve in the soulful praise by Prahalad unto Lord Vishnu as Swami Abhedanandaji beautifully unfolds the verses sung by Prahalad, and explains the power of devotion by which a devotee endears himself to God.

What was in Prahalad that made him so dear to the Lord? What made him so fearless that he could stand in front of Lord Narasimha and calm Him down?

Find out about all the hidden virtues of Prahalad that enchanted the Lord, and learn how one can acquire those qualities and live a blissful life gliding in faith and wisdom.

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