
Glories of Shri Hanuman

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Glories of Hanuman

The sacred text of Shri Ramcharitmanas extols the greatness of everyone’s most favorite super-hero, Shri Hanumanji in various ways and glorifies not only the power of Hanumanji but his unmatched humility and unwavering love for Lord Ram.

In this unique book, you are sure to experience the divine fragrance that resides in and through Hanumanji’s personality via Swami Abhedanandaji’s beautiful commentary on some of the most thought-provoking episodes from Ramcharitmanas.

Swamiji starts with the description of the three forms of Hanumanji as Ishwar roop (Faith), Bhakt roop (Inspiration) and Guru roop (Guidance), and gradually glides into an in-depth illustration of how Sugriva was well protected under Hanumanji’s guidance as a Guru. In his assuring words, Swamiji affirms that Guru is the one who has very close proximity, communication, and oneness with the God and therefore he takes the disciple very close to the God.

Moving ahead, Swamiji reveals the secrets of how Mother Sita (Absolute Peace) has to be searched in our lives, and how we should rise above our ahamkaar (ego), and cross the ocean of dehabhimaan, just as Shri Hanumanji did!

Read these transcripts of Swamiji’s mesmerizing talks and call upon Shri Hanuman in your minds, and invoke him to get connected to the all-powerful Lord!

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Finding Shiva

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Finding Shiva

Our commitment to higher goals and love for noble values should not depend on external factors. Great men of achievement are always rare and few. Their firm belief in chosen goal and unyielding tenacity to pursue, sets them apart from the crowds. Lions walk alone; only sheep move about in herds and flocks.


Lord Shiva represents the eternal Guru and ultimate Goal of every seeker. “Finding Shiva” is a compilation of Swami Abhedanandaji’s talks based on Shiv-Parvati episode from Shri Ramcharitmanas. This book reflects on Mother Sati’s deep character and her sincere unrelenting path of seeker-hood to achieve the glorious stature of Goddess Parvati. It is an immortal life-story of love, penance and surrender, that inspires aspirants to accomplish even the improbable.


How can we emulate this tenacity and unswerving zeal in pursuit of our goals? Who should be our trusted guide on this path? Where can we derive our strength and motivation when we are lost for direction? This book answers such fundamental questions in the mind of every seeker, and builds a platform of faith to energize at every step forward.

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Divinity Personified

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Divinity Personified

Loving and compassionate, divine and ever blissful, Swami Tejomayananda is the former worldwide Spiritual Head of Chinmaya Mission. Popularly known as “Guruji” by his numerous devotees and disciples, Swami Tejomayananda is a living embodiment of supreme devotion to the Lord and unto his Guru, Pujya Swami Chinmayananda.

Authored by Swami Abhedananda, this book is a lucid yet poignant elucidation of the depth, dedication and devotion that expresses through a surrendered personality.

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100 Days of Life Changing Lessons

100 Days of Life Changing Lessons

Since the lockdown due to COVID, Pujya Swami Abhedanandaji has been tirelessly speaking every single day without a miss and guiding the devotees across the country through online means. He has been churning the nectarine scriptures and serving us the bliss of spiritual wisdom in mystical flavours day after day. Among all the discourse, Pujya Swamiji’s daily “Life Changing Lessons” discourse series from Srimad Bhagavatam has received overwhelming response from devotees far and wide.


On the culmination of the 100-day milestone of this beautiful talk-series, Chinmaya Mission South Africa released an e-Prasad booklet named 100- Life Changing Lessons.This booklet contains thought provoking statements and selective quotes extracted from Pujya Swamiji’s daily talks in a day-wise sequence from Day 1 to Day 100. We hope this booklet will serve as a source of daily inspiration for all readers.

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Navadha Bhakti

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Navadha Bhakti

In Shrimad Bhagawatam, one of the Lord Vishnu’s greatest devotees, Prahalad, describes nine kinds of Bhakti through which our vrittis for the Lord can be made stronger and the Lord’s love can be made visible. In this book titled ‘Navadha Bhakti’, Swami Abhedanandaji beautifully explains those nine ways to please God, and elaborates on how we can approach God through our humility and surrender.

श्रवणं कीर्तनं विष्णोः स्मरणं पादसेवनम्।

अर्चनं वन्दनं दास्यं सख्यमात्मनिवेदनम्।।

çravaëaà kértanaà viñëoù smaraëaà pädasevanam |

arcanaà vandanaà däsyaà sakhyamätmanivedanam ||

The virtue of surrender alone makes God the sole Doer and Enjoyer of our lives. Such a life of faith and devotion is indeed the most peaceful.

Let us all be drenched and immersed in the love for the Highest!

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Divine Marriage

The Divine Marriage

The jeeva marries because he is incomplete and needs emotional and physical support to remove his loneliness. Ishvara does not require any such support. He is not alone…He alone is! The  marriage of Lord Shiva & Parvati has deep significance, in this beautiful excerpt Swami Abhedanandaji dwells on the various important aspects of this divine marriages and the deep significance it carries for a sincere seeker.

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Power of Devi Worship

Power of Devi Worship

Mother Nature is powerful, and yet she is so immensely patient. Mother Earth is the most heavy, and yet she is the most compassionate. Mother Ganga can be the most tempestuous and yet she is the most nourishing. They are all forms of the divine Mother Durga. “Devi” – the divine mother Goddess is the ultimate “Shakti” who nourishes every single being and thing in this universe. From the huge Sun to the tiniest atom in this Universe, every single object owes its energy source to this ‘Shakti’ which is the expression of Ma Durga alone. She is the essential force behind everything, but only the wise who realize this subtle truth, who meditate upon this eternal power; are truly capable of seeing the “Devi” behind this “Shakti “.

One of the most potent and elaborate texts which enumerate the glories and the powers of Devi Ma is “Durga Saptahshati”. It contains several assuring stories about how Mother Durga protected her children when attacked by the demons. In this article, we are pleased to share with our readers and devotees some of the salient points from Swamiji’s enlightening talks on “Power of Devi Worship” based on the divine text of Durga Saptashati.

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Samanya Dharma

Samanya Dharma

In the sacred text of Srimad Bhagavatam, the great sage Narada has recommended thirty qualifications that every human being should imbibe as general principles of living. These come under the topic – “30 Attributes of Samanya Dharma” which are listed out beautifully in the 11th chapter of the 7th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam.


The verses from 8th to 12th summarize these attributes which have been lucidly propounded by Swami

Abhedanandaji in this article. Let us try to find out and introspect what these essential virtues are and how we can inculcate them for a joyous and fulfilled life. It is emphasized by sage Narada that simply by acquiring these qualifications, one can satisfy the Supreme Lord and experience the happiness of the Lord in this lifetime!

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Solitude in the woods with Shri Ram

Solitude in the woods with Shri Ram

Undoubtedly Lord Ram is the most venerated and admired character in Hindu philosophy. Despite being born as a royal prince in the most affluent kingdom, and even after being the most powerful, sought after and qualified ruler of his times; he had the depth of character, the ocean of humility and the limitless compassion that endeared him to everyone. Even when he was banished from the kingdom and exiled for fourteen years by his step-mother Kaikeyi, he accepted the command of his parents as a privilege for him to fulfill as their son. With a beaming smile and absolute composure on his face, Shri Ram left for the forest along with his wife Devi Sita and his brother Shri Lakshman. Even in his exile, he saw an opportunity for satsang to revel in the divine company of great saints and sages living in the forests.


This portion of Lord Shri Ram’s wandering in the forests and his interactions with saints and sages is described extensively by Goswami Tulasidas Ji as “Aranya Kand” in his masterpiece composition Shri Ramcharitmanas. We are pleased to share with you some inspirational snippets and thought provoking points from Swami Abhedanandaji’s talks.

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Shri Ram Sharanam Mama

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Shri Ram Sharanam mama

Through this devotional excerpt, Swami Abhedanandaji urges us to strengthen our commitment and dedication towards the Lord. He explains beautifully three kinds of devotion which depict the glory of naam (name), rupa (form) and katha (listening to the glories) of the Lord. Let us be inspired and get drenched in the devotion of Bhagavan Rama!

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