100 Days of Life Changing Lessons

Since the lockdown due to COVID, Pujya Swami Abhedanandaji has been tirelessly speaking every single day without a miss and guiding the devotees across the country through online means. He has been churning the nectarine scriptures and serving us the bliss of spiritual wisdom in mystical flavours day after day. Among all the discourse, Pujya Swamiji’s daily “Life Changing Lessons” discourse series from Srimad Bhagavatam has received overwhelming response from devotees far and wide.


On the culmination of the 100-day milestone of this beautiful talk-series, Chinmaya Mission South Africa released an e-Prasad booklet named 100- Life Changing Lessons.This booklet contains thought provoking statements and selective quotes extracted from Pujya Swamiji’s daily talks in a day-wise sequence from Day 1 to Day 100. We hope this booklet will serve as a source of daily inspiration for all readers.

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