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Geeta Vision of yoga

This illuminating book ‘The Geeta Vision of Yoga’ skilfully portrays a logical step-by-step analysis of the ‘three point-blank definitions of yoga’ as expounded in Srimad Bhagavad Geeta. Giving us a deep insight into the hidden import of yoga, the book has strung together a garland of powerful ‘Yoga Assertions’, highlighting the ‘Vision of Yoga’ and its significant role as a platform to reach sublime heights! 

Interspersed with classic examples and apt analogies from the Ramayana and the Geeta, the book also presents a perfect scenario of our extrovert, aimless lives and draws our attention to relevant questions like: What is the purpose of action? Is there a definite technique for action? How can we remain equanimous and express Godliness through our actions? How do actions and desires bind us and how can we free ourselves from the fetters of bondage? How do we overcome worldly desires and develop single-pointed devotion to the Lord? How can we weaken our weaknesses and strengthen our strengths, and so on.

While these probing questions stimulate our contemplation and thought process, this introspective book unfolds simple techniques to remove the inner barricades that intoxicate our minds, and unlocks the key to our evolution from an ‘Ego-full Awful mind’ to a ‘God-full joyful mind’, that draws us closer to the ‘Choiceless God.’

A must-read book to introspect and unleash our inner potential in the right direction! Allow yourself some time to reflect upon ‘what’ you have read and ‘how’ to incorporate them into your daily practical life. The more you analyse, the more appetising will be the hunt to discover between the lines the philosophical meaning of ‘Yoga’ and attain the highest Jnana Yoga. As Swamiji poignantly concludes, ‘Then alone you fulfil the purpose of this human birth!’

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